Roll of Honor

Gaining any title is an achievement, in the following page I have listed all the Large Munsterlanders in Australia who have gained titles. I feel it is part of the breeds history, and for this reason I have included it. What may be of more interest to non Munsterlander owners is "How titles are gained in Australia" the attached pages describe what the titles mean and how they are gained.

This page is a "work in progress". Whilst every care has been taken to include all dogs who have gained a title, if I have missed a dog out or you have recently gained a title, let me know and I will add it post haste. If you wish to have a photo added of your title winner or change the one I have used, send me one along with the details. (Dogs are listed in alphabetical order not the order the titles were gained)

Dogs with photo's attached may be viewed by clicking on the underlined dogs name. Details about the title itself may be viewed by clicking on the Title Heading.

Title Gained Owner Breeder

Dual Champion (Obedience)

Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley

Australian Grand Champion

Gr Ch Mistypoint Black Raven ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Ch Ratek Lord of the Manor (AI) R & K Lees R & K Lees

Australian Champion

Ch Barry Vom Entenschnable JW (Imp Gmy) K Seeley A Vorholt
Ch Conghyll Axel P Smith P Smith
Ch Conghyll Desraeli P & M Groves P Smith
Ch Conghyll  Dom Perignon P & M Groves P Smith
Ch Conghyll Dylan NRD NFD N McLeod P Smith
Ch Dawsons Munster Aktiva (Imp NZ) M Neilsen Dawson
Ch Dawsons Munster Briar (Imp NZ) V McLaughlin Dawson
Ch Dawsons Munster Brav (Imp NZ) B & B Cornish Dawson
Ch Dunmiller Denva Brooks Brooks
Ch & NZ Ch Everard of Ivydale (Imp NZ) M Neilsen  W Newport
Ch Ghyllbeck Carlina ET (Imp UK) Pedler & Jarrett G & B Hargraves
Ch Ghyllbeck Connie (Imp UK) P Smith G & B Hargraves
Ch Ghyllbeck Otis QC (Imp UK) K Seeley G & B Hargraves
Ch Ghyllbeck Pandion (Imp UK) K Seeley G & B Hargraves
Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
Ch Hawkmun Harmony H Harrison H Harrison
Ch Kqrac Charm Obricon J & M Watson V McLaughlin
Ch Lionesque of Ivydale (Imp NZ) R & K Lees W Newport
Gr Ch Mistypoint Black Raven ET T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Eagle Hawk H & D Bodien T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Lady Hawk T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Peregrine ET T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Tawny Owl K Todd T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Double Dare AD T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Storm Warning T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Raene Passion (Imp UK) K Seeley Massey, Ogle&Butler
Ch Raene The Kqrac Falcon JW (Imp UK) V Mclaughlin Massey, Ogle&Butler
Ch Ratek Black Majik R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Bossy Boots R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Chances Are R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Crusader R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Firy Confrontation Schelbach/Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Genevieve R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek History inth Making Schelbach/Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Icon Kaiser R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Just Devine Schelbach/Lees R & K Lees
Ch & NZ Ch Ratek Lady Tamara R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Lady in Full Flite (AI) R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Lady o the Rose (AI) R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Lord of the Manor (AI) R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Lord Tolken (AI) R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Ratek Outrageous R & K Lees R & K Lees
Ch Raycris Ratek Top Lady (Imp UK) R & K Lees Ogle & Butler
Ch Rheinmunst Arthur S Nicks S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Aldhne M Hovey S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Bernadette S Nicks S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Bold Baron S Nicks S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Country Girl S Nicks S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Its A Breeze S Nicks S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Nonetheless B & L Akeroyd S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Onyx Dancer W Wilson S Nicks
Ch Rheinmunst Royal Solute S & J Gee S Nicks
Ch Schimmelbeck Gypsy Rose K Seeley Pedler & Jarrett
Ch Schimmelbeck Heidi R Brown Pedler & Jarrett
Ch Schimmelbeck Reuger Pedler & Jarrett Pedler & Jarrett
Ch Schwarzjager Benni CD J Kilby J Kilby
Ch Seelenmeyer Adulwulf K Jervis K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Alinda H Harrison K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Astrid C Medhurst K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Bernstein CD B & D Woods K Seeley
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Cassandra K Seeley K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Conrad A Warner K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Ebony K Seeley K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Einstein L Cseh K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Erik ET T Edwards K Seeley
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Hunenkoenig CD ET Pedler & Jarrett K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Ilsa CD S Nicks K Seeley
Ch Surfind Asher K Whitelegg  
Ch Swanlander Pseudo P Rogers  
Ch Trupoint Bekara K Whitelegg K Whitelegg
Ch Trupoint The Baron M Neilson M Neilson
Ch Trukara Seza O Falca K Whitelegg K Whitelegg



Australian Obedience Champion

Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley

Companion Dog

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
Hawkmun Hurricane CD  S Braid H Harrison
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Rheinmunst Onyx Dancer CD W Wilson S Nicks
Rheinmunst Vital Spark CD  W Wilson S Nicks
Schimmelbeck  Suthnsun CD R Kumela Pedler & Jarrett
Ch Schwarzjager Benni CD J Kilby J Kilby
Ch Seelenmeyer Bernstein CD B & D Woods K Seeley
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley
Seelenmeyer Dirk CD S Gordon Baker K Seeley
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Hunenkoenig CD ET Pedler & Jarrett K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Ilsa CD S Nicks K Seeley
Trukara Asha Special Boy CDX K Whitelegg K Whitelegg
Ch Trukara Seza O Falca CDX TD K Whitelegg K Whitelegg
Yargenhund Fire N Ice CDX AD JD J Williams M & D Hall

Three unregistered Munsterlanders Tillie  (M Peace), Erin (J Barkley) & Elli (P Schroeder) have also gained CD's.


Companion Dog Excellent

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley
Trukara Asha Special Boy CDX K Whitelegg K Whitelegg
Ch Trukara Seza O Falca CDX TD K Whitelegg K Whitelegg
Yargenhund Fire N Ice CDX AD JD J Williams M & D Hall


Utility Dog

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley



Tracking Dog

Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley
Ch Trukara Seza O Falca CDX TD K Whitelegg K Whitelegg


Tracking Dog Excellent

Dual Ch (O) Ghyllperry Silver Lord R McGroarty P & M Groves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley


Tracking Champion

T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards



Agility Dog (Different pictures)

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Ch Mistypoint Double Dare AD JD  T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Yargenhund Fire N Ice CDX ADX JD J Williams M & D Hall


Agility Dog Excellent

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Yargenhund Fire N Ice CDX ADX JD J Williams M & D Hall


Agility Dog Masters

Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley



Jumping Dog

Ch Mistypoint Double Dare AD JD  T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Yargenhund Fire N Ice CDX ADX JD J Williams M & D Hall

Jumping Dog Excellent

Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards


Jumpers Dog Masters

Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADM JDM ET T Edwards T Edwards



Endurance Test

Ch Ghyllbeck Carlina ET (Imp UK) Pedler & Jarrett Hargraves
T. Ch Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C. ET R Kumela T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Black Raven ET T Edwards T Edwards
Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADX JD ET T Edwards T Edwards
Ch Mistypoint Peregrine ET T Edwards T Edwards
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt ET R Kumela K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Erik ET T Edwards K Seeley
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Ch Seelenmeyer Hunenkoenig CD ET Pedler & Jarrett K Seeley



Qualifying Certificate (Retrieving)

FT Ch Conghyll Elfie N McLeod P Smith
Ch Conghyll Dylan NRD NFD N McLeod P Smith
Ch Ghyllbeck Otis QC (Imp UK) K Seeley Hargraves
Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
Oakmont Country Belle QC M & D Hall H Baker
FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD  M & D Hall S Nicks
Ch Schwarzjager Benni CD J Kilby J Kilby
Seelenmeyer Christa QC T Duff K Seeley
Seelenmeyer Almarich QC P Farrel K Seeley
Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD QC ADM JD ET T Edwards K Seeley
Surfind Asta QC Bill Vasiliadis  


Novice Retrieving Dog

Ch Conghyll Dylan NRD NFD N McLeod P Smith
Ghyllperry Princes Blue UD NRD ADM J Williams P & M Groves
FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD  M & D Hall S Nicks


Restricted Retrieving Dog


Retrieving Champion



Qualifying Certificate (Field)

Ch Conghyll Dylan NRD NFD N McLeod P Smith
Ft Ch Conghyll Elfie N McLeod P Smith
FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD  M & D Hall S Nicks


Novice Field Dog

Ch Conghyll Dylan NRD NFD N McLeod P Smith
FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD  M & D Hall S Nicks


Field Champion

Ft Ch Conghyll Elfie N McLeod P Smith
FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD  M & D Hall S Nicks




Page Title                                  Last Updated

Breed Standard                                  11th April 2001Kyle_and_Alex_2.JPG (120373 bytes)

Breed History                                      18th April 2001

Living with a Large Munsterlander     4th May 2001

About Mistypoint Kennels                   11th April 2001

Meet my dogs                                     1st Feb 2003

Obtaining a Munsterlander                 5th Feb 2003

Puppies available                               1st Feb 2003

Roll of Honor                                      14th Nov 2002

How titles are gained in Australia      13th August 2001

More Munsterlander Pictures              4th May 2001

Group pictures                                    26th January 2002

Pets as therapy                                   19th April 2001

Agility Photo's                                     4th May 2001

Retrieving & Field                               29th April 2001

Obedience Photo's                             21st October 2001 

Previous litters                                   13th August 2001

Xmas Pictures                                    11th April 2001

Small Munsterlander                          18th April 2001

Links                                                   13th August 2001

Guestbook                                           4th May 2001

Web Rings                                          11th April 2001


Please note the pictures I have used are mostly ones that I own, or have taken at shows. Other photos I have been given permission to use (if they were not my photo's) either by having the photo sent to me or copying it from the persons website. There are some photo's of dogs I particularly like that I have also included, if you own these dogs in question and do not wish them to be included please let me know & I will remove the picture immediately. Also if I have included a picture of your dog I have taken at a show and you want it updated with a picture you prefer please send it to me and I will change over the photo.  If I have listed your dogs name in the Roll of Honor and you wish to add a photo e-mail me a jpeg picture or e-mail me for my postal address.   

Should you wish to use any pictures included on these pages (unless you own the dog) please contact me before copying them.  The little "Munster on point"  was created by and is owned by Tracie Edwards. 

All details included in the breed history has been gained from reading many articles, and collating the most common reports. Should you feel you have a more accurate recount of the breeds history please contact me so I can rectify any errors.