
Large Munsterlander originated in German, and may be traced back to the early
19th century. Once recognised as the black & white versions of the Deutsch
Langhaar - German Longhaired Pointer, the Large Munsterlanders history is one of
a breed trying desperately to survive, whilst the world around it threatened its
(Ronija - German
Longhaired Pointer owned by Ulrika Larsson - Sweden)
In 1878 the Deutsch Langhaar breed name was fixed, at this
time they decided that the black & white offspring could not be registered.
Consequently many black & white puppies were put down at birth,
with only a few being allowed to survive, given away to gamekeepers and farm
workers. It was with these people that the breed started to gain a following.
Several years later the breed club was convinced to readmit the black &
whites for registration. A somewhat short lived decision, with them once again
being struck off the register in 1908.
Ch Ravenshead Sacha of
Raycris (UK) - The first full Champion in the UK
1919 brought about the most significant event in the
breed's history. A meeting of supporters of the black and white dogs was held at
Haltern im Munsterland Westphalia. At this meeting the breed name of Grosser
Munsterlander - Large Munsterlander was fixed, with registration only going to
black and white dogs! A register of these dogs was compiled which totalled 83
Large Munsterlanders.
Ch Foxbrae Flora
of Ghyllbeck (UK)
At last the breed seemed to be safe, experimental matings with
German Longhaired Pointers during the 1930's took place to increase the gene pool. The numbers of Large
Munsterlanders added to the list grew and all looked well......
Unfortunately life took a turn for the worse for the Large
Munsterlander as with all the
German breeds with the onset of World War II. Many Munsterlanders found
themselves in the hands of military personnel, one litter even being whelped by
Benno Fisher at the home of Adolf Hitler. Two less than fortunate dogs ended up
at Auschwitz. Once again life had tried to eliminate the Large Munsterlander.
Records of the breed, matings and kennels during that time are very sketchy, although
it is believed that only six kennels survived the war.
Was it not for the efforts of the breeds enthusiasts guided in
the breed warden Herr Egon Vornholt, they would surely not have survived. In
1973 the German Longhair was again crossed with the Large Munsterlander to increase the gene pool. In
pedigrees the letters DL after a dogs name denotes the dog was a Deutsch
Even now the occasional liver and white puppy will be produced
in a litter of Large Munsterlanders, from black and white parents.

Ch Axel V
Esterfeld of Raycris (Imp Gmy (UK))
The first Munsterlander was imported from
Germany into the United Kingdom in 1971 by the end of 1972 six bitches (five in
whelp) and one dog had made their home in the U.K.. The Large Munsterlander Club
in the U.K. was formed the following year in 1973. Although the breed was
accepted by the U.K. Kennel Club Challenge Certificates were not on offer to
Large Munsterlanders at shows until 1980 at Crufts. The first CC being awarded to
Craigburg Baron of Hansmic.
The first Large Munsterlander imported in whelp into New Zealand
was Datroy
Briarvanter in 1982 by Mr Dawson. A second bitch
in whelp was imported by Mr W. Newport of Ivydale soon after, Foxbrae Jean
at Datroy, these bitches and their
progeny formed the basis of the breed in New Zealand, with several of the blood
lines making their way into Australia.
The first Munsterlander to
arrive in Australia in April 1983 was Dawsons Munster Aktiva (Imp NZ). This
bitch was imported by Mark Nielsen of Victoria. She went on to become the first
Australian Champion and whelped the first home bred litter to Aust & NZ Ch
Everard of Ivydale. From the same litter Dawsons Munster Adrett by Atkinson
(NSW) and Dawsons Munster Adel by McLaughlin (Vic) also reached Australia.
Several English imports followed suit including Ch Raene The
Kqrac Falcon (Imp UK) also imported by Viv McLaughlin (Vic), Ch Ghyllbeck Otis QC (Imp
UK), Ch
Ghyllbeck Pandion (Imp UK) and Ch Raene Passion (Imp UK) by Kathy Seeley (S.A.)
and Ch Ghyllbeck Connie by Peter Smith (Vic).
Ch Barry Vom Entenschnabel JW
(Imp Gmy)
In 1988 the first German Import
arrived in Australia, Ch Barry Vom Entenschnabel JW (imp Gmy) was brought in jointly by Kathy
Seeley and Peter Smith.
These dogs along with several other dogs from NZ
including Dawsons Munster Brav (Imp NZ) & Felicity of Ivydale (Imp NZ) B & B Cornish,
Lionesque of Ivydale (Imp NZ) (Lees), Dawsons Munster
Briar, Dawsons Munster Burste make up the foundation stock of the
breed in Australia.
Very few Large Munsterlanders have left Australia. NZ Ch Seelenmeyer
NZ Ch Rheinmunst Von Claus (Baker) and Ratek As Good As It Gets (Bennett) have
all been exported to New Zealand. Two of which have made their mark
in New Zealand, being used at stud successfully. Ironically all bar one of the imports from
New Zealand in the last few years are either sired or grand sired by
either NZ Ch Seelenmeyer Falcon (Imp Aus) or NZ Ch Rheinmunst
Von Claus (Imp Aus).
Ch Ratek Lord of the Manor AI (from frozen
bloodlines have also been brought into Australia and New Zealand via frozen
semen. Ratek kennels in Victoria (Australia) and Hermes kennels in New Zealand
both have brought in frozen semen from the UK. Ratek kennels had the honor of
breeding the first litter of frozen semen AI puppies in the world (Eng Sh Ch
Thaxmead Lord of the Rings x Aust Ch Lionesque of Ivydale (Imp NZ), there was
only one puppy born and he was tragically killed at 8 weeks. In 1993 they again
tried using the same dog to Aust & NZ Ch Ratek Lady Tamara, again tragedy
struck, this time 6 puppies were produced but Tara was struck down with pneumonia
and died only days after the litter was born. The puppies from this litter have
gone on to be Ratek kennels most successful dogs next to their mother. Hermes
kennels and Ratek kennels both have semen from Ferdi Vom Mareienbrink Bei
Raycris (imp Gmy), Hermes kennels have successfully produced two litters from
this semen out of NZ Ch Flique Flaque of Hermes ADX.
It was to be several years before new blood
was to arrive in Australia, Ch Ghyllbeck Carlina ET (Imp UK) (Pedler &
Jarret) arrived in 1993. Ch Raycris Ratek Top Lady (Imp UK) (Lees) (Vic) arrived
in 1997. Since then there has been an influx of dogs from New Zealand and
another English import. New Zealand has also had several new Imports including
Kapp Von Hessenland (Imp Gmy) (Lomas & Lister) of Hermes Kennels, who
also gained an English bitch from Raycris kennels in 2001 Raycris
Lexi's Special. With all the
new bloodlines combined with some excellent stock from the original lines the
breed is set to prosper
in the coming years.
NZ Ch Kapp Von Hessenland (imp Gmy)
There are now believed to be over 3000 Large Munsterlanders in
existence, world wide, with around 400 in Australia (from 1986 - 2000, 360
Large Munsterlander have been registered in Australia).
I found the painting below and
decided to include it, anyone interested in purchasing one should click on the
Canine Fine Arts logo, who have kindly given me permission to include the
© Sally Mitchell
Fine Arts
The Munsterlander
Limited Edition Prints of the The Munsterlander by
Mick Cawston. Limited Edition 495. Each of these prints is signed by the artist
and individually numbered. Printed on high quality art paper in light fast inks
