Munsterlander pictures
These are special pictures of groups
of dogs. Some are owned by me some are taken with dogs of my own, or groups of
other peoples dogs together, that the owners have given me to use. If you have a nice group shot of your dogs please
send it to me with some details.

Alex, Marsha, Kyle &
Britta - photo's taken
2002 - Marsha, Alex, Britta
& Kyle
"Alex" Aust Gr Ch Mistypoint Black Raven ET, "Marsha" T Ch
Mistypoint Black Kite AOC ET,
"Kyle" Aust Gr Ch Mistypoint Falcons Image CD ADX JD ET and their
"Britta" Aust Gr Ch Seelenmeyer Fantasia CD ADM JD ET
Kyle and Alex love posing for pictures!

Britta with Ch Raene the Kqrac Falcon JW
(imp UK) Britta with Seelenmeyer Dieter in Port Lincoln.
Falcon is owned by Viv McLaughlin

Britta with Kyle and Britta as a baby
with Jasper

Britta and Kyle relaxing and three of
the Lees dogs, Tara, Majik & Ivy at the Adelaide Royal 92.
Ch Seelenmeyer Cassandra, Ch
Ghyllbeck Pandion (Imp UK) & Ch Ghyllbeck Otis (Imp UK) all owned by Kathy
Ch Ghyllbeck Otis (Imp UK),
Ch Seelenmeyer Cassandra, Ch Seelenmeyer Bernstein CD
Ch Ghyllbeck Pandion (Imp UK)
& Ch Ghyllbeck Pandion (Imp UK) All owned by Kathy Seeley
Ch Raene Passion (Imp UK)
except S. Bernstein (B&D Woods)
Dual Ch (O) Seelenmeyer Curt
Vakuna Muncher & Ch Schwarzjager Benni CD
& Mistypoint Black Kite A.O.C ET
Owned by J & P Kilby
Owned by R Kumela

FT Ch Rheinmunst Diamond Ice NRD
& Oakmont Country Belle QC
Owned by M & D Hall
